Posts in Framing
Fearless Asking #2: Reckoning with Itty Bitty Sh!tty Committee (video)

In the second installment of Fearless Asking, I talk about the Itty Bitty Sh!tty Committee, the voice of self-doubt that keeps us safe from harm but also small and resentful. 

When we heed the voice of this saboteur, we are likely to encounter the 3A trap and end up in a worse situation than if we had calmly confronted the issue and asked for what we want.

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How to Flip "No" into Yes in Four Jujitsu-like Moves

No is an opportunity to uncover objections, misunderstandings and fears so you can address them. An opportunity to pivot, reframe and ask again. An opportunity that can lead to a genuine yes and follow-through. 

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