How to Ask for a Raise and Actually Get It

I want to remind you that no matter what, you are in control of your life and career. 

It's up to you to ask. It's up to you to maximize the economic benefits of your work and contributions. It's up to you to negotiate for you

Don't keep your head down. Don't keep your voice small. Don't second guess yourself because you make "enough" to get by. Don't let "alt facts" and false limitations hold you back from aiming for the moon. 

When the boat rises for women and for minorities, the tide also rises for everyone else. Because women and minorities invest their wealth back into their families and communities. Because this is not a zero-sum game. Because giving back is part of winning the prize. 

So aim high. Ask for what you want. 


Key take-aways from VICE News panel: How to Ask for a Raise & Actually Get It

(Click on image to watch the video on VICE News)

(Click on image to watch the video on VICE News)

I had the wonderful privilege of participating in this panel with luminaries like Sallie Krawcheck, CEO of Ellevest; Reham Fagiri, CEO of AptDeco; and Matt Wallaert, founder of Get Raised (BTW, he's also our special guest for the upcoming webinar this Thursday). It was moderated by Neko White and Kerry Coddett, both NYC-based comedians and writers. Here are some takeaways: 

  • Racial wage gap is real: Studies found that employers award higher salaries to white candidates than black candidates, even when they had the same experience, same education and same previous salaries.


  • But we can't correct a problem we refuse to look at: Without transparency, how will we know everyone, regardless of gender and race, is fairly paid? Though EEOC proposed a policy promoting pay transparency by gender and race, don't hold your breath for the policy to be implemented nation-wide. We're looking to progressive states like California, New York and Massachusetts to take the lead in implementing pay equity policies at the local level. 


  • Gender bias is real and so is the double bind: The gendered stereotype that a robust negotiation is between men in suits holds women back from asking. When she does ask, she's called bossy. (Hello! That's why She Negotiates exists. We're here to turn that stereotype around and celebrate bossy women.)


  • Be indispensable at work and ask for market rate: We'll be saying this until we're blue in the face. Demonstrate and articulate the value you bring to the table. Do your research. Don't ask for what feels fair or reasonable; ask for the high end of the market range. 


  • Quantify your success. Build your case with facts and figures: Everything is quantifiable, even feelings (1 for very dissatisfied, 10 for ecstatically happy). Quantify the impact of your contributions. Quantify your hours. Quantify EVERYTHING. Maintain this quantified list and bring it with you to your next performance review.