How to Flip "No" into Yes in Four Jujitsu-like Moves

No is an opportunity to uncover objections, misunderstandings and fears so you can address them. An opportunity to pivot, reframe and ask again. An opportunity that can lead to a genuine yes and follow-through. 

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Don't Fall for Bait and Switch Salary Offers

“Jane” recently interviewed and landed a dream job—a significant jump in title and responsibility, essentially moving from an individual contributor role to a director role managing a team of 15. And then the offer came. The title: senior manager. The salary: $25K less than she was making in her former role.

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This is the Time to Show Everyone How Strong You Really Are.

In my twenties, I made a conscious choice to become a naturalized citizen and became a proud American. I moved to NYC. My resentment towards my parents changed to gratitude. As a working woman, I set my ambitions high, because that is my American right.

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Payscale Gender Pay Gap Report: Men with Families are Worth More than Women with Families

The more often a woman tells us that she prioritizes home/family over work, the larger the controlled gender pay gap becomes, even when compared to men with similar characteristics who say they prioritize home/family over work with the same frequency.

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