Posts in Leadership
3 Steps to Take When Fear Holds You Back from Asking for What You Deserve

The three-step approach will fuel your growth as a person and as a professional. You'll develop self compassion, resilience and the confidence to advocate for yourself.

Fear of judgement or rejection won't be an obstacle, but a nudge that helps you seek your own validation from within. You'll have your own back. 

And when you make smart asks that delight your employers and clients, you'll become unstoppable. 

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Fearless Asking #3: What Do They Want and Why? (video)

In the third installment of Fearless Asking, we're getting clear on what our negotiation conversation partners want and why. Getting clear on what we want and why as well as what they want and why helps us find common ground and mutual benefit. To do this, ask open ended questions, such as "What are your desired outcomes?" "What are your concerns?" Or "How can we solve this problem so that we can both get what we want?"

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Fearless Asking #2: Reckoning with Itty Bitty Sh!tty Committee (video)

In the second installment of Fearless Asking, I talk about the Itty Bitty Sh!tty Committee, the voice of self-doubt that keeps us safe from harm but also small and resentful. 

When we heed the voice of this saboteur, we are likely to encounter the 3A trap and end up in a worse situation than if we had calmly confronted the issue and asked for what we want.

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It's About More Than Just Money: Four Reasons How Learning Mutual Benefit Negotiation Strategies Can Change Your World

You can be an ambitious, brave AND collaborative negotiator. 
You can be a communicator who leads through problem-solving, value-creating conversations. 

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How Negotiation Skills Helped Me Deal with Sexism in the Tech Industry

Here's my truth - I left the tech field, because I couldn't bear the pressure to fold myself into a pretzel to please an all-male management team and to pretend like sexism doesn't exist. 

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Delegation: Part Negotiation, Part Coaching

If you manage people, you may have noticed that you spend quite a bit of time negotiating with people over timelines, deliverables, and accountability regarding a given task. And, perhaps more often than you like, you delegate a task and instead of job done, you get a long list of reasons why the assignment was impossible to accomplish, along with lots of apologies and mea culpas.

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Negotiation as a Spiritual Experience—Wait, What?

While most people understand intellectually that there’s a better, more humane and effective way of communicating for mutual benefit, our life experience – specifically our relationship to conflict—often hijacks our emotions at the negotiation table. 

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Changing the Conversation

Negotiators—whether politicians or homebuyers—begin with bold concessions which rapidly shrink the gulf between opposing sides. 

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Mutual Benefit Negotiation is the Secret to Happiness