Posts tagged Negotiation for Women
The Career Reboot in 21 Books
Imagine these two (paraphrased) research statistics being bookends on a young woman’s “bookshelf of life.” The single biggest predictor of poverty among women is the birth of their first child.

Putting off having children for 10 years doubles a young woman’s lifetime earnings.

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Working for Love AND Money | Your 2013 Mantra
I know deep down you know how valuable you are. You’re smart, you’re fast. You’re well loved. You have degrees and credentials. And experience. You can look back on your career and tick off a passel of accomplishments. You are a store of value and the shelves are stocked full. So why are you:
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The 21 Reasons Why You Must Ask for Everything Under the Sun
What are you craving? Balance again? Seriously? What about purpose? Joy? Organization? Flex? Productivity? A great oatmeal cookie? A belly laugh? Health? Happiness? A job? A raise? Children? Vacation? Savings? Lung capacity? Fresh air? Conversation?
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Why Too Much Preparation Will Kill a Good Negotiation
Too much preparation and thinking can kill the actor’s connection with other actors, and impair his/her ability to respond authentically in the moment. The actor needs to toss the mechanics and perform—interact with other characters and the audience—to realize the full potential of the play.

It’s the same with negotiation. While the process is full of planning and at the table strategies and tactics, it is primarily a communication discipline in which the craft disappears in favor of conversation.

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